Midweek Reflections

Each week, let’s reflect upon Sunday’s teaching through further exploration…

Midweek Reflection on Hebrews 2:1-18: Jesus – Fully Human (Hebrews Sermon Series)

“We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away” (Hebrews 2:1).

What causes us as followers of Christ to lose attention, to drift away?

The 2015 “The State of Discipleship” report from Barna Group gives insight to that question. In their report, researchers not only considered the current state of the body of Christ but also implications for the future. Three particular implications were explored by David Kinnaman, CEO of Barna Group: 1) digital technology that can both complement and detract from walking with Christ, 2) increased levels of distraction as a result of the screen and overbusying our lives, and 3) the hyperfocus on self that makes “me” the center of all things.

The book of Hebrews – written to believers – is a call to perseverance because Jesus is superior to all others. For the believer – the one who has surrendered his/her life to Jesus as Lord, we are justified (declared righteous) through the blood of Christ. That declaration happens at the point of surrender. Sanctification, though, is an ongoing process. It’s the Spirit’s working us toward holiness as we’re led to respond by growing and maturing in Him. That growing and maintaining the faith despite our current circumstances and through God’s grace is perseverance.

How do we persevere even with the pull of digital technology, increased distractions, and the hyperfocus on self?

The answer is simple and straightforward, not complicated at all…

We spend time with God in His Word.

I recently asked a few people, “What have you been studying in your Bible this week?” I received the same answer from each one: “I didn’t study anything in the Bible this week.”

It’s so simple and yet so often disregarded.

We are called to persevere, to – as the apostle Paul directs – “continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12).

No matter how much dust has accumulated on the cover of your Bible, no matter how busy your life may be, no matter how many tasks and distractions are being thrown your way… open your Bible (a physical one or an app on your phone), slowly read the words He has written to nourish you, talk to Him about what’s going on in your life, and listen to His loving guidance found in Scripture.

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